(Der Hass, den du Kleinkindern entgegenbringst, macht jeden kaputt)

If you’ve already read THE HATE U GIVE, then maybe you should. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this Young Adult novel tells the story of Starr Carter, an unforgettable girl faced with tragedy and choices that, unfortunately, are much too common. A girl that finally finds the courage to speak up – finds her voice.
It’s heartfelt, hilarious, and stunning.
If you haven’t read THUG yet, then maybe you want some more proof. How about the fact that it debuted as a #1 New York Times bestseller, and has been on the list ever since? Or that John Green declared it a “classic of our time?”
If you’re still not convinced, then maybe these creative ways of dealing with Starr´s story will change your mind.
Having read the book in class, the students created lapbooks, scrapbooks, boardgames and a virtual-reality scene containing the most impressive, shocking, emotional, controversial or hilarious scenes. Songs were quoted, pictures were drawn, outfits were created, opinions were formed and last but not least knowledge about Black Lives Matter and people of color´s situation in the US was gained.
But not only that: If we think about it Thug life does not only apply for „them“…
Many thanks to my class for being motivated and open to this kind of „Lektürearbeit“ – the results are extraordinary.
Sabine Zielke